Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Zen and The Art of Pitch Black Yoga.

Yesterday I did Yoga for MS which, as ever, was amazing. I've been going to Yoga on High for the Monday classes, not all of them, I'm somewhat of an errant student, for the past 5/6 years. Could be longer to be honest. What I do know is that this class is the single most positive thing I ever did for my MS.
Everyone in the class is fucked to one degree or another, you wouldn't walk/limp into the class otherwise. Its a space where everyone is in the same boat, and where anything can be said without fear of embarrassment. All people with MS lie, most of the time. If we told you exactly what was happening, it would destroy your day / year / belief in a greater good. This place, soaked in pitch black humour, is exactly what we need. Did I mention  that the Yoga is amazing? Our teacher Jen is constantly looking for new methods to help kick the snot out of the MS, and it works.
Yesterday, I needed a yoga mat. I went to hire it from the front desk. I had my 2 dollars ready.
"No Si, no one in this class gets charged." Ah..
I then said.
"Cool. Give the cripples what they want, right?"
As I said, pitch black.

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