Friday, February 26, 2016

Reality Check

Last night, as I do any Thursday I can, I went to the impro drop in at Gressos. I always enjoy going, it is an accepting, safe room to work in, which is less common than you would think. I knew I was a little ropey (ill for my American friends) going in.
I got more into what we were doing as we went along, and finished out on a good pitch at the host of party quirks. Its a game where you to guess what other people are, and I always end up trying to figure out American historical figures that everyone knows i don't have a clue about. I love playing the game, as i know that I'm going to fuck it up.
At the end of the game I knew I'd pushed a little too far, and I felt my legs beginning to die a little. This was more helpful than you would think as I was beginning to think about getting back into performing live. The truth is that the drug I infuse means that I can walk, which I like, and that my MS is backed off to a certain extent. Last night was a small reminder of the cost I used to pay performing.
It doesn't mean that the Thursdays are done, I really like them. It was a useful heads up.

Sunday, February 21, 2016


I've spent time this morning trying to convince my AT and T Uverse to behave itself. I've checked the cables, rebooted it, and generally tried to cajole the miscreant back to life. No luck. The screen works for a little while, every now and again. Then, she goes back to sulking. Cow.
Internet? Spotty ate  best. Patched together using a personal hotspot off of my iPhone. But, I do have radio, books and guitars to play. So, sulk all you like, I was planning on bouncing you out anyway. Though, TV this evening, with proper Internet would be nice....

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

All the news that's fit…?

I download an English newspaper to my Kindle pretty much everyday. I've been downloading the Independent during the week,  The Times, and The New York times on a Sunday. This week I was out and picked up a physical copy of The New York Times, which is excellent. I thought, I'll try a copy of the Sunday Telegraph, see how the annoyed right wingers are doing. Oh….
One of their Sunday articles, the hair down there,  was about hollywood regret, how women who had had their pubic hair permanently lasered away, were attempting to get it back. Really. Apparently its very difficult and painful to bald it out to start, and really painful to get the roots back. I wasn't expecting that. I wonder... What will todays Telegraph will have?
It will have a story about a  porn boss who fell in love with his Dominatrix, and got ripped off by her. He keeps going to court for money and losing, I'm not sure if he's secretly really enjoying the shame. There is a town, Stockton-on-Tees that has had the bust of the wrong John Walker on display since1977. Maybe I've been misreading the Telegraph all these years. This is top entertainment!
Hang on, the house of Lords wants 80,000 pounds from the government, or they will end the 1,000 year old practice of printing Britain's laws on vellum. Phew! Balance restored.