Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Watching the stuff on the Royal Wedding. Goes between the happy couple, people who insist they were their friends at college and scum sucking press cunts, who are busy sussing out the best way to make the happy couples lives shit.
Good luck with the anarchists, who are planning to crash. Get your wave on, you'll be fine.


I was wiped out by MS for 7 months. Usual physical stuff, which is still there, hands, arms, legs feet, the usual. I know when things are particularly bad when I stop listening to music and reading. I then spend way too much time staring into the abyss. I know when my mind is recovering when I start listening to music again. Physically I'm still fucked, mentally I'm way better.
I've been waking up early, another good sign, banging down coffee and cigarettes, and posting up loads of different music. Its a fairly eclectic mix, but has one constant. All the music is fueled by intent. You can hear what the person who made it is trying to say. I've found over the past couple of years I hear intent all the time. All those years of stand up locked in being able to hear timing, and see the structure of comedy. Last year I began to hear vocal intent in actors. Its amazing when you start to hear it. Once you do, you hear it all the time.
Nice to have the music back.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Its a nice day. Having been so crap for so long, its a treat. Will it last? Dunno, but its nice right now. Kicked off a row by suggesting people who want to bring guns to bars should stay in their basement jacking off over the barrel. As has been pointed out this kind of stuff is a distraction, to stop you looking at what's actually happening. The abortion debate always gets rolled out. My opinion? No one wants to do it. Men never will have to. Therefore, none of our business. 
What does concern me is scrapping the train idea. A train would improve things so much. Now you'll never know. Enjoy living in the middle of nowhere with a car you can't afford to fuel.

Hmm. - Simon Dowd's MySpace Blog | Brain Reflux, relatively clean

Had a flatbread Subway egg bacon and cheese. It was good,but may have contained some sort of sleeping draught. I ate it and woke up 5 hours later. Or, I needed a kip.
Woke up into a world where finger raping 6 year olds in airports is apparently OK. History is going to judge us exceptionally badly.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Week. - Simon Dowd's MySpace Blog | Brain Reflux, relatively clean

Currently in Illinois, here seeing my dad this evening, and picking up a new car I don't quite believe. Week was interesting. Finally admitted we need to replace all our windows. Easy to say, apparently its quite expensive. Fresh air would be nice. Weather down here has calmed down a bit Sat and Sun the wind was so powerful, I nearly got blown over getting out of a car. Though it would have hurt, it would have looked hilarious and done well on YouTube.
On our way to illinois I went into a restroom in Snucks and saw a tragic tale unfold. I went in for a pee, the man who shuffled in in front of me faced an epiphany. I don't know what he had eaten, But it all hit the water at a rapid rate. Found myself wandering the supermarket, worrying that he was OK. This does keep the food bill down.