Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I was wiped out by MS for 7 months. Usual physical stuff, which is still there, hands, arms, legs feet, the usual. I know when things are particularly bad when I stop listening to music and reading. I then spend way too much time staring into the abyss. I know when my mind is recovering when I start listening to music again. Physically I'm still fucked, mentally I'm way better.
I've been waking up early, another good sign, banging down coffee and cigarettes, and posting up loads of different music. Its a fairly eclectic mix, but has one constant. All the music is fueled by intent. You can hear what the person who made it is trying to say. I've found over the past couple of years I hear intent all the time. All those years of stand up locked in being able to hear timing, and see the structure of comedy. Last year I began to hear vocal intent in actors. Its amazing when you start to hear it. Once you do, you hear it all the time.
Nice to have the music back.

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