Monday, March 30, 2009

In Illinois

Current mood:chilly/cold
Category: Life

Went to a land auction this morning. Word blizzard. Then, over. i think we lost.
Went to John and Kate's last night. Very cool, went to a local Italian ,which served fried chicken livers. The English was happy. Carl bought home a picture. Really suits the room. Now trying to figure out how to put it up without tearing the wall down.
Abbey bouncing backwards. Highly entertaining.
Very chilled / cold.

Currently listening:
Bringing It All Back Home
By Bob Dylan
Release date: 2004-06-01

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Current mood:this n that
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural
Time is an interesting thing. If I have too much, I waste it until what needs to be done, once distant, becomes urgent. I'm wasting time now, writing about wasting time. But; its only wasted because I think it is. Hmm, I'll have bit of a think about that one.
Currently reading:
If Not Now, When? (Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics)
By Primo Levi

Bluey, no!

Late night hoover.

Current mood:bugger
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Leslie and Ian and the kids are coming today (thursday). miglin is hoovering. 1:13 am. A blue blanket just tried to disappear up the hoover in a fierce deluge of noise. Didn't make it. Hoover still alive. Best line thus far?
"Shit I've swallowed a sock!"
I'm on bathroom. Hopefully wont swallow anything.

Currently listening:
By Shane & Shane
Release date: 2004-10-19

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bad fringe.

Current mood:Fringey
Category: Friends
Good sushi. Good shopping.
Now trying to enroll for the Fringe. deadline friday. Good. i failed dismally at the most basic, 'Hey who are ya?" subscription. Fortunately I am married to Beth who has sorted it out in 2 minutes. Of course its now giving the arse and will hopefully be sorted by tomorrow.
Hello sis, who I chatted to for quite a while this evening. You sound in good shape to me.
Hello Mum, who was asleep. If Cat is yawning, she was up a little late.
hello Kev and Vix, hope everything is cool. I think i found you a band you might not know for your birthday. Tricky, but not impossible.
Hello to D and Harry. keep on keeping on, niece and nephew.
Hello to all in England and Paris.
when did I start doing hello everybody blogs?
Hello Emma. For you. "Wednesday."
Currently listening:
New York Groove: The Best of Hello
By Hello
Release date: 2000-07-28

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Ghost of remote present.

Current mood:bansheed
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural
Last night curled up into the space present on a bed littered with paper and boxes. We are clearing out, our first move towards moving. Finding somewhere to go obviously down the road a bit.
Tried to get to sleep to a horror film, Dolls. Old school crap, pre torturing people for an hour and a half. The true torture in the new films is the headache you get trying to work out where the plot is.
Must have rolled onto the remote which operates the light, which started dimming and brightening over and over. Could not find the remote which was stuck under a box, looping over and over. Spooky. took me half an hour to find it, whilst the dolls came to life on the screen behind me. i don't recommend this as away to go to sleep. Particularly not for someone brought up irish catholic who heard the tale of the Banshee repeatedly on family holidays from the age of six ,and became convinced every midnight cat fight was a harbringer of doom.
Currently watching:
Release date: 2005-09-20

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Cuted to the spot /Frozen in Malashite

Current mood:glued
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural
Beth and I watched Amanda Byrnes in Sydney White. Plot: Teen goes to college. Tries to join a sorority,. Pisses off the bitch in chief, whose ex boyfriend prefers her. Is humiliated and cast out., Joins the outcasts, whose house is under threat by plans of the afor mentioned bitch in chief. Wins the student president election on the  We are all dorks ticket.Everyone ditches bitch in chief and joins the dorks, which everyone decides they are. Its great, predictable, happy go lucky fun.
The never ending shit splat of the Children of the Corn series on the other hand, is a headache throbbing on your TV screen. Children of the Corn had one good spooky idea, which is relentlessly aborted across an ever dwindling landscape of imagination. Film after film after film. That someone would keep writing this shit, is scarier than the films. I see a dark basement with a young man at a typewriter, watching his Citizen Kane dream crushed over and over and over.
Why keep watching it? "The man behind the rows" won't let me turn it off.
Currently watching:
Children of the Corn - Revelation
Release date: 2001-10-09

Friday, March 20, 2009


Current mood:morningbile
Category: News and Politics
The news is now a bitch-fest, with everyone blaming everyone else for everything. Right now a republican twat is filling my screen with wittering shite about Obama going on Leno. They have to discuss something other than the turd bowl we are in. They shat that into being.
Now a story is coming in about a job fair at a strip club.
" Are you a pervy evil bastard who everyone hates, and most are scared of, except Trudy, who will blow your head off with your own gun in about six months?"
You could be our manager. Show us you have the high voltage twattage we are looking for.
Speaking of blank minds; Sarah Palin has just turned down 300 million dollars of stimulus. Didn't turn down free clothes, will knock back money for the poor.
Currently listening:
Hunky Dory
By David Bowie
Release date: 1999-09-28

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Too shit not to fail.

7:40 am payments never go well
Current mood:whatever
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural
Two days ago I got a phone call from some bloke. Said he was a collector form the Columbus Dispatch, and did I want to pay my bill? I knew I had not paid it, and got out my card to sort it out. Then heard his TV in the background..
" Where are you? " I asked.
" I am one of the Dispatch collectors who work from home. A cost saving measure on the part of the paper." He said.
"Bye." I said.
Note to Dispatch: anyone with half a brain is not giving their card details to some bloke slumped in front of Fox News.
You are wasting your money.
Today, phoned to pay. Tried to pay what I owed and the next couple of months, which ended up with me paying a bit. I think. They took my email address, which, when said back to me, I didn't recognise. Fine. Bye.
You are losing money at your main collection point.
Had to phone in early as they close their phone lines at 1 pm. Is it 1976?
They have a website which is difficult to navigate, particularly if you want to pay them money.

Currently listening:
Good Bye Lenin!
By Yann Tiersen
Release date: 2004-04-06

The Joy of the Conway

Current mood:wakeyish
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural
St Patricks day gone. Started badly, MS bad walking. I try to walk and my body says, " You reckon? " Shit start. Then, improved. Beth was getting her presentation together for her class, then Clay turned up. Went to the back and gave my approximation of help as he cleared the leaves and stuff. Could only find mini lady gardening gloves. Squeezed them on. Felt almost useful.
Came back to the house had a St Patricks day quarter pounder with cheese, chips and a green milkshake.Green milkshake. The maximum Leprechaun.
What is that green exactly?
Passed out. Awoke . Beth had nailed her presentation, and Conways irish Ale was on the menu. A great beer from Great Lakes brewing company, hopefully not seasonal. Quite a beer. worth coming around for. Now watching Be Kind Rewind. Not bad at all.
Realised today that I'm gonna whack up tunes quickly. I'm better getting them out quick, as the ideas come. Quite punky really. Unless it isn't.
Currently watching:
Be Kind Rewind
Release date: 2008-06-17

Monday, March 16, 2009

That's alright Sam, I'll get the next one.

Samwell captain unkillable of THE DEATH ROAD
Current mood:bless
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural
Watching the history channel. Documentary about the death road, which runs through Bolivia. Its the scariest looking road you've ever seen. Barely enough room for two cars to pass, and a 2000 foot unguarded drop to the the valley below.
They drive buses up this road. Kind of like the coach driver on Tenerife heading into the mountains, apparently driving on magic air.
Samwell was on a bus when it went off the side into the valley. killed 50 people including his wife. His son went missing. Got on another bus to go back to the site of the crash and find his son. Bus went off the cliff again. 20 people dead. No sign of his son. No one wants to ride the bus with Samwell anymore.
As a balance to Samwell, Timateo is a human traffic light. He stands with his home made signs trying to keep people from going over the cliff. He works the devils corners , where the rescuers have trouble going.
Bolivia is hard as nails.
Currently listening:
Don't Fear the Reaper
By Blue Oyster Cult
Release date: 1997-01-01

rough as tack ES


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Death. Yawn. Destruction. Zzzzzzzz......

The world is a dangerously boring place

Current mood:actionbored
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

Watching The Unit. Never seen it before, so was a little surprised to see a ton of people drop dead in the first few minutes. Poison gas everywhere with those who realised rushing around securing spaces against the gas. Having never seen Unit before, I was impressed by their resourcefulness. Now checked it out online and know they are some secret government thingy, who keep it secret from their families. They all talk military shorthand, so I think that secret may be gone.
And its a bit crap. No cure for that.

Currently listening:
Being Boring
By Pet Shop Boys

London, back in the day....

London cafeterias 50's - 60's

Ah, the old days.....

Friday, March 13, 2009

Dibbs, ice cream of SaTAN!!!!!

Current mood:fullhappy
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural
I'm supposed to be asleep. I can't sleep. Not now. I've been mainlining Dibbs. For those who don't know, Dibbs are little ice creams that come in packs of legion. I was hooked whilst at a cinema. The dark. The Dibbs. The end. The films over? Was it good?
If you find yourself in a Dibbs fracas, putting loads in a bowl and chucking in a few raisins does not make it healthy. It makes you a delusional, soon to be tubby, but happy, twat.
Head asleep. Tummy awake. Dibbs so close. Leave them........
Currently watching:
Grindhouse Presents, Planet Terror - Extended and Unrated (Two-Disc Special Edition)
Release date: 2007-10-16

Thursday, March 12, 2009

the joy of maybe

Either or
Current mood:good / bad
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural
a couple of days in the MS hot /cold oops, you're fucked /you're not matrix are calming a little, unless they aren't. Or they are. This is how I answer pretty much any question. It will be genius, or it will be shit. Its going to great, unless it isn't.
I love the 50 /50 answer, it leaves so much room, unless it doesn't.
Currently listening:
Swift & Changeable
By MF Doom & Ghostface

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Worldwide shootings vs Ohio piss drinker

Current mood:mellow yellow
Category: News and Politics
Shooty day. Bad. People going nuts. it was a full moon last night, apparently a little overwhelming for some. Where lies the cheer amidst these tales of carnage?
Beth and I were watching the local news when the pervy old young boy's piss drinker tale rode in like a white (yellow) knight to smite the depression of the day. He's been at it for 17 years 17 YEARS! That's a lot of piss. Is he trying to drink his own body-weight?
They can't arrest him, technically its not illegal, just disgusting. He does ask for, not demand the piss. Bless.
He moves on when people can stomach it no more, and takes the piss ingestion carnival on the road. Yeeh and indeed Hah.
So thanks my urine gurgling friend, you cast a happy yellow shadow over an otherwise dark day.
Currently listening:
Piss Factory
By Piss Factory
Release date: 1993-09-28

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Death. Best foot forward.

Category: Jobs, Work, Careers

All comics have died. Being booed off is actually preferable to total silence and the pindrop arse clench of a bored crowd. All comics have died. Its the only place you learn. When it goes well you enjoy the work you have done. But you learn little, if anything.
Any comic who tells you they have never died, is lying, delusional, or just shit.
Anyone who is good at anything says the same thing. The reason they got good, was that they got it wrong in every way they could find. They didn't get booed off, but I think surgeons and soldiers have a steeper learning curve than comics.
Embrace the bad gigs. The check for a comic is to ask one they haven't met before
"What's the best gig you ever did? "
Usually mumbling and a bit of a response.
" What's the worst gig? "
Then the talk really starts, and the memories start flying....

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Is it genius or is it shit?

Current mood:bless
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
My mate Sam back in England sends me things every now and again, always with the question
" Is it genius? Or is it shit?"
Fantastic question. The two I remember distinctly were Goldie Lookin' Chain amd Shaun Ryder's album. My conclusion on both was they were touched with genius. My rule is, if you can't tell, there is genius in there somewhere, even if you don't like it.
On Fearnet there is a film to boot 24/7 for free called Days of Darkness. It is shit. But, it is worth watching to see the ex porn actresses speech. This is, well, unexpectd to say the least. Kind of like watching Jack of Swords 5 which rationally is rubbish, just to hear the line
" En Guarde motherfucker! "
Bizarrely enough, the ex porn actresses speech made my morning. Its about 10 mins in (not a line from her speech) and well worth a look (which could be)

Modern Dictation Angry Politics. Bouncy, bouncy....

Current mood:rebublishame
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural
You wake up. You are alone. The bed is huge, surrounded by photos. They are all the same. Your clothes are in a pile on the floor. The rest of the floor is taken up by a giant pair of trousers. The biggest cigar you have ever seen smoulders in an ashtray full of money. You remember a voice. Forceful,. Full of shit, but forceful. Its like the 80's never ended. You have just had sex with Rush Limbaugh.
3:51 AM 0 Comments(Add

Monday, March 2, 2009

You buy it you dopey twat!

The big concern at the moment is that people are saving their money, and not spending enough. I wonder how the world economy got so fucked........

How to start a facebook controversy

Current mood:hitting a wasps nest with a stick.
Category: Life
This morning I put on my status update that I just realised my single female friends dwell in the realm of the cougar, where do the men dwell?
This has got some responses. People mainly find it funny, some find it offensive. i see both points. Personally I think cougar and MILF are shit-house terms conncocted by unlaid sad sacks, who have a memory of sex, which is dwindling fast.
Am I sitting back and watching the fur fly ,working out the routine I can get from it? Oh yeah.....

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Bizarre to Bond

Current mood:sleepywakey
Category: Life
Fell asleep watching I'm a cyborg but that's ok, a way out there but very sweet romantic film about love in a mental hospital. Checked back in briefly for a quick look at the The Man With The golden Gun. Now awake, coffee on, With Mr Moore strutting his stuff in A View To a Kill. Who can see Grace Jones without hearing "Pull up to the bumper baby.."? Tune!