Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Joy of the Conway

Current mood:wakeyish
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural
St Patricks day gone. Started badly, MS bad walking. I try to walk and my body says, " You reckon? " Shit start. Then, improved. Beth was getting her presentation together for her class, then Clay turned up. Went to the back and gave my approximation of help as he cleared the leaves and stuff. Could only find mini lady gardening gloves. Squeezed them on. Felt almost useful.
Came back to the house had a St Patricks day quarter pounder with cheese, chips and a green milkshake.Green milkshake. The maximum Leprechaun.
What is that green exactly?
Passed out. Awoke . Beth had nailed her presentation, and Conways irish Ale was on the menu. A great beer from Great Lakes brewing company, hopefully not seasonal. Quite a beer. worth coming around for. Now watching Be Kind Rewind. Not bad at all.
Realised today that I'm gonna whack up tunes quickly. I'm better getting them out quick, as the ideas come. Quite punky really. Unless it isn't.
Currently watching:
Be Kind Rewind
Release date: 2008-06-17

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