Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Is it genius or is it shit?

Current mood:bless
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
My mate Sam back in England sends me things every now and again, always with the question
" Is it genius? Or is it shit?"
Fantastic question. The two I remember distinctly were Goldie Lookin' Chain amd Shaun Ryder's album. My conclusion on both was they were touched with genius. My rule is, if you can't tell, there is genius in there somewhere, even if you don't like it.
On Fearnet there is a film to boot 24/7 for free called Days of Darkness. It is shit. But, it is worth watching to see the ex porn actresses speech. This is, well, unexpectd to say the least. Kind of like watching Jack of Swords 5 which rationally is rubbish, just to hear the line
" En Guarde motherfucker! "
Bizarrely enough, the ex porn actresses speech made my morning. Its about 10 mins in (not a line from her speech) and well worth a look (which could be)

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