Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Ghost of remote present.

Current mood:bansheed
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural
Last night curled up into the space present on a bed littered with paper and boxes. We are clearing out, our first move towards moving. Finding somewhere to go obviously down the road a bit.
Tried to get to sleep to a horror film, Dolls. Old school crap, pre torturing people for an hour and a half. The true torture in the new films is the headache you get trying to work out where the plot is.
Must have rolled onto the remote which operates the light, which started dimming and brightening over and over. Could not find the remote which was stuck under a box, looping over and over. Spooky. took me half an hour to find it, whilst the dolls came to life on the screen behind me. i don't recommend this as away to go to sleep. Particularly not for someone brought up irish catholic who heard the tale of the Banshee repeatedly on family holidays from the age of six ,and became convinced every midnight cat fight was a harbringer of doom.
Currently watching:
Release date: 2005-09-20

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