Saturday, May 31, 2014

Sit still.

I half read this article yesterday, I just finished it. It is about the unearned standing ovation. The article talks of the unwelcome canker, spreading from across the sea, infecting the London theatre. Good or bad, people are standing and cheering at the end of performances. The article sees it as as a form of narcissism, the plaintive howl of the selfie generation.
 I agree. How can you discern between good, bad, and amazing, if you  mindlessly stand and cheer everything? Having lived here for over a decade, I realise this is super English, and I need to relax a bit. Actually, no. I don't like audiences standing up for comics before they've done anything, I can't stand and cheer for something, just because. However, put The Pixies on….all bets are off.

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