Friday, May 9, 2014

Morning Pep.

Had a really good haircut yesterday, having entered Nikos looking like a tramp begging for change, I'm quite peppy. I covered my 10,000 steps yesterday and I'm already at nearly 3,000 today.Exercise, heh? turns out it works.
I've written a new tune today, no lyrics yet. I appear to be writing songs. that are difficult to play. This is what I have so far:

Verse G A D7


F Bflat  Fsharpm B  C as the passing note back to G

Middle 8

Some E diminished thingy which poodles its way back to where I started.

Why did I write this out? Because I've forgotten so many tunes in the past. Did I mention the top haircut? She, is a great barber.

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