Thursday, May 15, 2014

Character Flow.

What freaks people out about stand up is when I say, “That character on stage isn’t me. I’m in it, but its something I’ve created. I leave him on stage as much as I can when I’m done, You would really not want to be around that bloke for too long.” 
People have an easier time with actors saying it, because they are in plays. “Of course its not you. I never had you down as a killer. Good job.” Like comics, actors know you have to leave the character on the stage. Its dangerous to bring it with you. 
Everybody has different characters they play. The work voice, the mum and dad voice, the
"Fuck off I don’t want to buy your shite!" phone voice,
Arty sorts admit it a lot more. I know when I’m writing it begins to kick properly when I start to hear the characters talking in my head. Is that nuts? A bit, but I’m very comfortable with it. By all means go exploring, remember its not real and try  not to immerse yourself too much.

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