Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Blood Settlement.

Yesterday, I had my drug of choice plugged into my blood. The infusion itself is pretty easy. I've done it once a month for two years, even the initial metallic invasion under the skin doesn't bother me any more. Turns out I slept through most of the infusion. I came home a little wiped out, changed my mind and went out for the evening with Beth, Fran and Paul to Easy Street. Pleasantly pissed, fantastic company.
Today my blood gives me a nudge, as the drug starts to get comfortable. Its difficult to explain, I can feel the adjustment, as my body welcomes this month's soldiers against MS apocalypse. They will fight the good fight for the next 28 days and then fade. When I first started I knew when my next infusion was coming up, as things began to collapse. This isn't the same now, as the good work that is done in the month lasts a lot longer. 
The day after  the infusion is still a little trippy….

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