Monday, May 12, 2014

Time Lapse

I've spent a lot of the last 22 years bemoaning the time that MS has stolen from me. I hated the fact that I got really good at things, and had to let them go. I've had entire years dust out in front of me, spent running how crap everything was through my own mind. Take it from me, waste of time.
I've come to realize that as long as I keep looking for ways to do things, they tend to come up. I know i've been lucky, and got to do pretty much what I wanted.
 My friend Neil told me years ago, "You've been given MS to slow you down a bit." At the time I thought he was an idiot. As with a lot of other things he said, he turned out to be right. Im not supposed to find my way until I know why I'm doing it. Or until I just do it anyway. That'd be the right time.


Unknown said...

Neil is a wise chap.

dowdy said...

True that indeed!