Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Trade Instant

We have become used to the instant. We like it a lot. Booting days worth of music takes no time at all. If you are so inclined, you can make your own album without ever touching an instrument. Is this the end of bands? Of course not. The ability to be able to make something, doesn’t automatically make it a good piece. For comics, everything you try can be sprayed across the internet, for good or bad. Your words can be read as soon as you finish writing them. You can pick up followers you may never meet, most of whom are alright, I think, I don’t know having never met them. Everyone wants to be liked, and the people who like what you do must be alright, right? A lot can be based on instant karma. LOL and such. Does it really mean anything? We don’t know. We are living at the beginning of a social revolution that is different, in that it is so personal.That’s why trolling gets more power than it deserves. The mumblers in the corner get to attack directly, and then go back to staring into the black basement mirror trying to work out why their life is so shit. Everyone has a voice, the trick is to figure out which ones are worth listening to. And ignore the bullies.

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