Saturday, April 6, 2013

Dog tired.

In the past two weeks I've had another 11th hour speech, one that I believed this time, jacked a dangerous but very effective drug into my bloodstream, where it will sit for the next 28 days waging war against my body's permanent attack on itself. Last up, an MRI that I know will read at best, really badly. Now its Saturday and I'm MS tired.
 MS tired is difficult to explain. When other people tell me how tired they are I always think quietly, MS is a little different. MS tired is when you can't sleep, until you pass out, arising hours later with no clue as to how you got there. Its trippy, but not as much fun as you'd hope. I haven't had it recently but I've had periods of time when I was hallucinating pretty much constantly, seeing things I knew were not there. Its not uncommon in MS I found out. Having heard some of the options, I'll take the ghosting thanks.
But, it is what it is. Having gone food shopping at 7:30am we are now set for the next 4 days or so. Lunch was great, basketball's on later and I have lots i can do it the house. And the weathers getting better. Alright, innit?

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