Sunday, April 28, 2013

Arty Fest

I am an arty fucker. there is nothing I like more than being moved to tears by the purity of something I see or hear. I don't even have to understand the mechanics that have got me there. Its the indefinable that I am comfortable with.  This links all the things I really like and move me, is that they are all under the umbrella of best pitch possible. The idea doesn't have to hit exactly, if a sense of movement lives behind it.
That's why Warhorse was such a treat. By the end I found myself taken, and blubbing like a child. The rationalist in me understands the mechanics and can see the work. Initially. Then, it doesn't matter and I get to exist in the world they've created for a while. All art I love is like this. You put in the work, present what you have as best you can and give it to the audience. Their interpretation of what you have done, is what gives it life. The space for constant reassessment is what sustains it. Tricky, but my favourite thing, anywhere.

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