Monday, April 15, 2013

Merry go round.

The news has always been a fairground of the awful. Newscasters sit and wear serious face, as they intone the massacre of the day. This goes on for a while whilst they give the facts they don't quite have, and offer ill informed truisms as to how we can cope. Politicians come on and provide whatever they've been told their opinion is. Their talking point is repeated, oblivious to fact, a small irritating child who doesn't want salad, they want "Hamburger!" Serious face nods sagely. Just as the burial of the terrible under bullshit seems intolerable we move to sports, and weather for good measure. Breath out. Look out of the window, its alright isn't it? Move on with your day.The 24hr news cycle resets itself for the next round. Like a scab you can't stop picking you come back. The merry go round restarts.

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