Monday, June 2, 2014

The drugs that work.

There was  a story on NPR about a new pill which is working well in MS. Women who have MS recover significantly whilst they are pregnant. The pill, ignored by drug companies, no profit, is a mass induction of Estrogen which is working really well. Great news for the girls, somewhat worrying for the boys. I'd like to walk and stuff, but do I need to carry my new boobs with me? I'm sure this is not the case, right?
Having heard the story I went back and read about the drug I'm taking, Tysabri. I don't know why I look. I know how dangerous it is, and I'm going for my infusion Thursday anyway. Good luck with the Estrogen, there are so many more women with MS than men, about time you caught a break. I'll stick with infusion confusion, you never know,  they might find a cock based pill next. Hang on….

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