Friday, June 6, 2014


I just watched Stewart Lee explaining how he came up with the show I'd just watched, Carpet Remanent World. I really enjoying watching comic's discussing the craft of what they do. I am a colossal nerd, and will happily listen to someone picking apart the mechanics of a show, for hours.
I walked away from stage acting in the last few years, probably for good. It doesn't suit the MS. I was telling my friend Stewart it was a shame, but never mind. He said,
"Your heart was never really in it Si."
I disagreed at the time, but now I think he may have been right. I really enjoyed acting, being around people who were completely consumed by it, working hard to build the best show they could. I was pleased that I did ok, and I liked learning how it was done. Then, I knew it was over. There was no way I could physically pitch as I knew was necessary. I was pissed off for a while and didn't go back on stage for 2 years.
Then, I saw Joe Teeters was running a monthly improv drop in and I went to that. It took me less than a minute to remember how much I loved doing comedy. There is a drop in once a week, around the corner from me. I intend to go to it as much as I can. I still can't do stand up as much as I would like, but I think I may be able to write a show that I can do in a small theatre.
You were right Stewart, comedy is where my heart has always been. Thank you to all the actors I got to work with over the years. When I get a show together, you can come and see the techniques I learned from you / stole.

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