Saturday, December 27, 2008


Ye Olde Brigadoon Walmart Trip
Current mood: Walfucked
Category: Walfucked Life

Went shopping in Walmart hell. The way there was shrouded i fog so thick, we passed it and turned to guess the way. Walmart eventually loomed, promising cheap shit built on shattered lives and a cavalier disregard for employee health care. Full of those people who think shopping is important. They go out at sale time and block proper shoppers from going in and out. bastards. Sort of people who would queue on
Filled my cart with cheap crap I did not need. went to pay, stuck in a queue of Tards trying to use their blockbuster card to pay. Not enough tills open. Did I get stressed?
No. i have the capitalist solution,which everyone can try out.
When you get twitchy and pissed off, start removing crap from your cart and building a discard pile. If they waste your time, cut their profit. Its fun. My pile got pretty tall, started to take on a Jenga aspect. They saw what I was doing and more tills opened. Too late Walfuck. You have lost quite a bit by being so shit.
Honestly try this tactic. Its legal, and it makes queueing funny...
Drove back on a country road in the fog. Cross between Blood Simple and In the Mouth of Madness. Quiet. images seen but not seen. If a kid riding backwards on his bike had turned up, would have made sense.

Currently listening :
Nothing's Shocking
By Jane's Addiction
Release date: 1990-10-25

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