Saturday, December 27, 2008

Call the banshee, she will come.

Current mood: blustery

Its raining, under that wind that all mid-westerners know and fear. We are under a tornado watch. The temp went from sub-zero and is on its way to 60F way too fast. The air is preparing to belch. No one knows where. Know that watching Twister last night was not a smart idea.
Took Abbey out. She looked around, twitched, gave me a fuck this for a game of soldiers look and double-timed back into the house.
I should know better. Bambi and Watership Down tried to teach us, if an animal takes a look at something and rushes off the other way....?
Something shithouse this way comes.
I'm the idiot who likes to stand outside when the air gets supernaturally still. This means you are in the eye of the storm. If it comes your way you are dead.
I love american weather, it does not mess about. Hot, cold, raining, windy. It will kill you if it can. Bless.

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