Thursday, December 18, 2008

merry xmas

Ayub Ogada
Current mood: blissful

My Xmas gift to you, dear readers (whoever you are) Get Ayub Ogada's album En Mana Kuoyo.
Used to work with Ayub years ago at Cafe Des Artistes in Fulham. His songs are in 6/8 mainly , which a good friend of in a long black wool coat, attempted a dance at. It was a physics puzzle. Couldn't understand how he was doing it. Being a musician with the metronome buzzing away at all times in my head, I'll never get to dance that free. Ayub is a top bloke, shared his peanuts, and his music is beautiful.
Another thing I can't do is take anything at face value. The comic that lives in my blood questions everything, and constantly looks for the joke.
This statement comes from an amazing IM I had with Mark Mann last night, where both of us laid out exactly how we do what we do. If performers in Columbus have any sense, I'd pay us to sit a room and repeat what we wrote to each other. It would be worth it. Dunno about Mark, but what I know cost me 15 years and a huge chunk of my soul....

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