Sunday, December 28, 2008

Illinois Death Weather Gone

The Day After Yesterday
Current mood: bouncy
Category: Life

Illinois flooded. It did not blow away. Looked like it would for a while, but the clouds never got to death level. If the sky goes jet black and starts to spin, virgin or not, you are fucked.
Went to john snd Kates in the evening, through bad but not lethal rain. Only worry was there were 80 mile an hour gusts knocking about. Stay in surely? Would of, but we were touring Guitar Hero, and the gig must go on.
Had fantastic chinese, drank cranberry vodka, then narco'd out for a few hours. Awpke with Beth and Kate ready to rock. And rock they did.
Igf you have never heard Killdozer, do yourself a favour and get the album below. They are excellent and not what you would think....

Currently listening :
Uncompromising War on Art Under the Dictatorship of the Proletariat
By Killdozer
Release date: 1994-03-14

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