Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Pendulum.

I just listened to a Radiolab program on NPR about death. When people on the street are asked if they want everything that can possibly be done to prevent it, they all say yes. CPR, infused food and water, pain drugs, whatever. When doctors are asked, they do not want to be revived. The only thing they want are pain drugs, to make their passing comfortable.
When I was asked a couple of weeks ago what I'd like done, I said I didn't want to be revived. If my times up, its up, whack me up on pain drugs. The doctors didn't want to be kept artificially alive,as they actually knew what it meant.
 My take is that I'm living far beyond what I expected. When I was told I had MS, I didn't expect to make thirty. When I made forty, I figured I wasn't leaving for a while. MS being what it is, my life has been a constant series of adjustments, for decades.
When it gets unbelievably bad, I'm ready to go. I've done a lot more than I ever thought I would. Anyone who is told that your life as you knew it is over at 21, has had a long time to think about what it means.
I've been a musician, a comic, an actor, moved countries. I'm off to Mexico soon. Not bad really. I still have things I want to do, and I'll go for all of them, all the while knowing that the clock is running out. The pendulum swings back and forth a lot more with MS. I prefer to see it as a rollercoaster.

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