Saturday, February 15, 2014

Carnage Time.

Schools in Ohio have had a lot of snow days. Some are getting very upset about this. I really don't think there is a lot of choice involved.
 Valentine's day was yesterday, the flower people still had to deliver. If, like us, you thought, "fuck that", ordered food and stayed in, there were people who had to deliver your dinner. Didn't matter how dangerous it was for the poor sod who had to bring it, as long as we didn't have to. It was a bit late, of course it was, an evening of people saying "fuck that! let someone else deal with it." I was just happy he made it at all.
 Defeating the weather is a common call in America. The weather doesn't care if its Thanksgiving, Christmas, whenever. What I find fascinating is that every year there are specific choke points when there are way too many people are on the road, for things that are seen as more important than taking your life in your hands to get to them. Carnage of a sort always ensues, and the holidays go on.
I say America because i live here, but England is the same, at different times. Its Bank Holiday, lets suffer on the road for hours, for a brief trot around somewhere, thats not as good as it was last year. But, we always do it. Suffering for brief glimpses of something we vaguely remember, turns out to be what we are prepared to pay for.
Carnage aside, we can always dream.

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