Monday, February 3, 2014


Managed to get to MS yoga. There are many things I love about the class which is one of the few places I can go where everybody knows exactly what I'm on about. The class keeps getting better and better as our teacher Jenn discovers more and more things for us to try out, all of which work. I may have made jokes about us being tortured and such, but to this day, the class is the single best thing I ever did for my MS.
Today was a sandbag, initially on my back and then, supported by a block, on my forehead. Sounds horrific, i don't think I ever been that relaxed in the class before.
Onto Northstar, which we got to most Mondays after the class.Bumped into Sue and Beth on their way to a play. Picked up excellent food, I can highly recommend the fish sandwich and the chicken with avocado. Came home ate that, now sleep. Did I mention how good the sandbag was?


MS Cheerleader said...

Hey there,

You have made the yoga class sound very appealing. If you do not mind sharing more details, I am interested.

I sent you a message on FB. It likely went to your "other" folder. I included my email address.

Enjoy your trip tomorrow. Oops, I meant drip. If only :)

dowdy said...

The Ms yoga class is on Monday at 4pm and Saturday at 12 I think, I do the Monday class. It's a Yoga on High 1000 and something N High St. I ll go and check me other folder. Si

dowdy said...

Hey can't find your message. my email is:

MS Cheerleader said...

Thank you for the Yoga info. I just sent you an email.

Have a good day :)