Friday, February 7, 2014

Cold and grumpy.

It doesn't matter how glorious the Art we make is, everyone wants the cheapest,  easiest piece of old tat they can consume. The world is full of corporations hurting people, having a fund waiting to pay the law suits they know are coming. Funds you gave them. Drugs that tell you to your face they may kill you but it could be your fault.You have checked everything and done your doctors job for them, right?
The look of my parents when I was younger is beginning to make sense. They had lived long enough when I was young to see the see the same old bullshit repeated over and over.
Whats happening now, is that we are being forcibly returned to childhood. Facebook is a huge culprit. Like, LOL my arse. But, I look at it everyday, I may miss something. I'll post this blog there. Its good to know what people are doing. No, it isn't, its delusional.
Facebook films that no one will watch but you? Pathetic, though there seem to be lots of them, and plenty of people happy to lie and say they have seen them. Just because its instantaneous, doesn't mean its any good.
This doesn't mean there isn't great art around, you just have to look, rather than click. LOL etc….

1 comment:

MS Cheerleader said...

Hi Si,

I sent you an email yesterday to the addy you provided. Did you receive it?