Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Snow everywhere. all the news is icy and bad. I woke up sitting on the couch, I vaguely remember how I got there. It was just Abbey and i downstairs. I went to stand up and my left hand side collapsed. I didn't fall, but i made a good attempt at tanking out in the front room. Bugger, whats going on? The weakness continued for a while.
I called for Rudy, who had decided to hide upstairs. Fed the dogs, who then wanted to go out in the garden. After 5 minutes hey came back in, and I toweled them both off. Left side still weak. They then decided they wanted to go out again. But I just brushed you both off? Out they went.
Coffee on, left side improving a bit. Dogs bounded back in, they had both realized the weather was shit, inside was the place to be.
The left side collapse is a little scary but not entirely unexpected. I'm a week late for my infusion, the weather is on the aggressive side, and MS thinks that impaired walking in icy weather is funny. Snow emergencies mean I'm not even sure that the infusion will happen today. There's always Netflix and a blanket.
Coffee is settling in, things are a little better. I think I'll have a banana.

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