Friday, May 17, 2013

Week ended.

This morning i have breakfast with Feather to look forward to. This is great, as I know the day is basically going to be dusted out fairly early. Its because I've been doing a lot, for me, in the past couple of weeks. I knew the crash was coming, but exercising was really good, getting my teeth fixed was necessary and being social, vital.
So, i know the weekend is looking fairly housebound. This happens a lot. In the past I've sulked my way through, until things sort themselves out and I can go out again, until The MS pulls me in. I've decided this may not be a great use of my time. I now   spend the enforced downtime learning and writing. At the moment i find myself watching a lot of Inside The Actor's Studio. I love hearing how people approach their craft. The one thing that constantly comes up, which I've always believed, is that listening is the most important thing you do. years ago I was in a bar with my guitar teacher Chris who I've known since I was 10. He looked at me and said, "Si, you listen to everything, don't you?" I didn't realize at the time but he was 100% right. I think its the most important thing that I do. The rest of it is figuring out how to understand and apply what I've heard. And make shit up.

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