Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sunday Funday.

This morning, sitting in my kitchen as I am now, though I'm now listening to Kermode and Mayo's film review show, my right leg went into a massive spasm. I dould physically do how fast it shook on purpose. This happened twice and then shuffled off, having done its job. The job as to wipe out Sunday, job done. Then Stewart phoned me up, I said I couldn't go out so brunch was a wash. He responded by bringing brunch to the house. Lovely. we then watched Doctor Who, The Hobbit, which I slept through then more Doctor Who. Stewart, having a job and such has now gone home. Cheers Stewart. As all my friends know, I'm not the kind of person who should be living in my own head for too long. Against all the odds, top Sunday.

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