Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Pressure Folly

When I'm on my own, as I am this week, the risk I'm running to feel better does spin around the back of my mind, surging forth every now and again. I know the option is zero if this goes wrong and is certain death. Blimey, that'll sober you up, right quick. You would think I'd be sitting around in a quiet panic waiting for the inevitable. You'd be wrong. Like anyone who has come to this drug, I've weighed up the risk against the benefit, and I'm in. Doesn't mean that certain death doesn't occur to me every now and again, does mean I'd rather take that risk than just sit in a body that is shutting down around me. I said to Williams, "If you thought I took no shit off of anyone before? Wasn't even close. Dancing right on the edge of the abyss focuses the mind and has reduced my tolerance for bullshit to way less than zero. Its a good tribute to mycomedic training, that I can keep my mouth shut at all. Anyway, back to The Who - Tommy which I've always really liked. As follies go, winner.

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