Friday, May 3, 2013

Morning Prep?

I am up early. I'm always up early. I've been up for a while. I get to listen to the BBC World Service going over stories that don't get covered during the day. I read the Guardian and The Independent, which get delivered to my Kindle every day. I sit, listen. read and spend some time tutting, "Really..?!" This morning it was Stewart Hall confessing to his predatory antics from decades ago. 83 years old and finally bought to account. About time, but it does knacker happy memories of Its A Knockout. Those silly games now look like a road map we should have read a long time ago. The cases are coming up thick and fast, you could think English entertainment was riven with awful bastards. I think there were some who used their fame for the awful. I also think that it will give anyone else a massive pause for thought before acting like that ever again.
Coffee in. Day prep under way. Today is busy,  aqua therapy this morning, mindfulness what not at the Psychotherapy institute this afternoon. The mindfulness thingy, I would have kicked to the kerb as bullshit, not so long ago, I'm still looking at it waiting for the "Live this way!" that I will dust immediately.  I am open to accepting help in a way that I never did before. I am still programmed to call bullshit as soon as I see it. Not so far though. That should fill the day.

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