Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Overnight Paving.

Things can be shitty during the day. Sleep should be a respite from what ever brand of crap you are currently juggling. Maybe your way to sleep was drinking, in which case you know you are going to pay the next morning. If the problem you are having is due to start the next morning, a brief lull can develop into a resigned pit in your stomach. This morning, I didn't sleep particularly well last night. I ate breakfast and drank coffee over the last few hours. I'm going to Aqua Therapy today. I haven't thought the through. So, if you are feeling a bit shitty,  and have to face the object of night mare today?Fuck 'em. They will have probably have spent their early morning staring into the bathroom mirror until their face turns into a skull. And lay off the coffee.

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