Thursday, May 16, 2013

Storm Warning

The crash of whatever damage is being done outside in the dark, which no one can do anything about, did give me pause. Yesterday I went to aqua therapy which I really like. There were a few things i noticed that had been happening for a while. My MS is taking my hands, feet and locking my right leg up a little. Sleep is all over the place, though it always was and recurring ache at the back of my head, though not awful, does give imminent certain death more thought than it deserves.
For some reason I drank the coffee I had left from breakfast late last night and then watched a ton of interviews with actors and comics online. I love watching performers talk about their art and it was a good distraction from what I know is coming. Not the death thing, but the MS which  is waiting to put in a bit of a show. Bollocks. Of course, storms pass. I'm going to go with that.

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