Wednesday, May 22, 2013


We sit at the beginning of a new technology which connects us all, whether we like it or not. I can write what I like and have it read by people I will,  most likely never meet,  from places I may never go. I can  write any hour of the day or night, knowing someone is up somewhere. I can see how many people read what I'm waffling about, and where they are from. I don't know who the vast majority are. I don't know how I'm being interpreted. All this gets easier the more I do it. I think the world was always this way. No one knows what anyone will make of what they present, but is quietly pleased to be heard. The faster connection becomes, the more crap we can spray over a wide area, but it does mean discovering something new and fresh  is a keystroke away. I still like second hand bookshops and charity shops myself, thats the luddite in me.

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