Sunday, May 5, 2013

Saturday Shopping.

There is something about shopping on a Saturday. I know the best time to go to the supermarket is early in the morning, whizz around grab the shit that I've convinced myself I  need for the week and get home for breakfast. Not yesterday. Beth and I managed to time it just right in the evening, 8 until 8:40 when the desperate, late idea shoppers arrived. The ideas are often how useful it would be to have toilet roll in the house, and some beer to go with that, would be great.
Our shopping cart is usually a mix of healthy food, things we need around the house, and whatever I threw in when I got bored. Today was chocolate milk, Snowville, lovely, and marshmallows that I spotted out of the corner of my eye, they sang of how good they were with Graham crackers, which I forgot. And a lot of crisps.
The Starbucks was shut, the store was beginning to run as the tragic end/beginning? of an over stuffed badly ventilated club night. Home in one piece, choccy milk ahoy!

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