Monday, January 12, 2009

Weekend. Golden Feather / Dungeon Impro

Current mood: touched
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Really cool weekend. Sat went to lunch with John and Jen Feather at Easy Street. Its not often I'm lost for words, even rarer that I'm overwhelmed. Both happened. John Feather has whittled a walking cane for me from a branch from a tree in his garden. He showed me the cane before we went for lunch. Typing now I still feel myself welling up. What an amazing thing to do. Its a beautiful piece, thats taken him I dunno, ages at least. Amazing . John brought me round by pointing out that it was designed to be a cane and a very effective weapon. Thank you John, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Onto a great 4 hour lunch, which ended with the 3 of us thinking the same thing. Why don't we do this all the time? Supposed to go the Planets narrated by John Glenn in the evening, Beth and I too ill and go to bed. Sure it was great. Sunday evening went to an impro jam at Gressos. Big football game on, ended up in the basement. It was great, had a brilliant time. Then had dinner with Bill, Yury, Earl and Scott. Same deal as saturday. Why don't I do this all the time? these people are great. Now typing undrugged on my bed listening to mark Kermodes film reviews, the best in the world.

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