Saturday, January 17, 2009

Coma cannabis pizza defeated.

Current mood:awakey maybe....
Category: Life

Woke up at 9 pm unsure of where I was or what time it was. This is the effect of the coma cannabis pizza. There is a chinese near us that has a similar druggy hit. Eat the food, enjoy the food, wake up hours later wondering what happened .Spent a great afternoon with John Feather, knocking backing brunch and talking rubbish. He's a big a Doctor Who fanatic as I am, not many will talk extensively of the purity of the v first episode with William Hartnell. Gave me the cane he's been making me the past few months. Its beautiful, detailed, and I will be putting up pics of it as soon as I can. As I said last week, I don't know what to say, the generosity of what he's done knocks me sideways. Now in front of 12 monkeys with our pooch patrol looking after Rudy while Fran and Paul are in Aruba (their yearly run at the sun, while we freeze in the midwest ice cave). Dogs are getting on great, though Abbey is still jealous if anyone gets any affection but her.....

Currently watching:
12 Monkeys (Special Edition)
Release date: 2005-05-10

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