Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Back to Reality?

Current mood: amused
Dreams and the Supernatural

Stopped the zi-coke trip. shame, as it was in its own way a spectacular cheap druggy way through a cough. You were quite right Kirsten, I did need to pack it in, well, until next time.
Went to Yoga today, which was excellent. Did caggels (?) which are a pelvic floor exercise for women. Quote, "imagine you are picking up a marble with your vagina." Hmm. The male version is that you "move your penis up and down," unquote. Works really well, although as I pointed out, the males chucking the penis up and down could go super wrong very quickly. Saw Jennifer afterwards and said, "Thanks for that. Thats a message that Beth will be wanting to send you down the line."
Dinner from the Northstar. Tofu Buddha bowl and a red pepper spinach dip. Excellent, as their food always is. Watched Bush's final press conference. Wow. Delusion, defiance and a fortunate lack of knowledge of how history is going to judge him.
We are back in the real world, its hard, but respect for bluffers guessing with money they do not have, is over. Respect for banks? Gone. Good. Never liked them. Produce something useful, give us what we want, or just fuck off. This attitude, the one that kept me out of career in the corporate sector. Stuff is not important, never was, people are. Those who followed the money are a little unfortunate in this regard, as they don't have any real friends. Chill out, be nice, we might even get you a drink. Lord knows, you need it....

Currently watching:
Neil Young - Heart of Gold
Release date: 2006-06-13

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