Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Current mood: sleepy wakey
Category: sleepy wakey Life

Last play of the game, Ohio State lost to Texas. that cost Beth and me 2 pies. Great game though, and we will be eating a chunk of the bet we lost. currently in my two hour wake up to the day. Listen to tunes, drink coffee, smoke, think very hard about yoga, and 2 hours in, usually ready. Orphanage still clambering up the reverbnation comedy chart. Its great, no matter how the day goes, somewhere in the back of my mind I'm convinced I've achieved something.
Miglin now talking about learning guitar. Great idea. Guitar Hero has shown she has the moves of a rock chick. Lets get the playing flowing. of course it takes years to plug the patterns in, but she's determined. Cool. Think she just realised why musicians buy so much crap. might help to smooth the path of the arrival of the simmons electronic drum pad I ordered last week.....

Currently listening :
Nothing's Shocking
By Jane's Addiction
Release date: 1990-10-25

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