Monday, April 7, 2014

Sleep Defeat.

The voyage to the sleepy side of the street has proved,thus far, to be somewhat not. I can still have a biscuit and think about how good a sleep would be, whilst viewing that possibility at a distance. I've always had trouble sleeping. Since I started blogging some of my friends have asked me, "When do you sleep exactly?"
 I do hit MS pass outs quite often, but I don't think they count. I have suffered full on insomnia for a month and a half once, which was amazing. I lived in a state of vague awareness until it finished. I did a comedy gig during that time that I have little memory of at all, except I'm fairly sure it was shit.
I don't dream that often. I always enjoy when I do.  Odd or not, its nice to be involved.
MS puts me in a constant state of the other, as I have to assess how real what is happening around or to me, actually is. For example, I often feel like I'm walking on a boat, out on the waves, though I can see the ground before me. I'm always aware of my surroundings. as my body will fail at any given time. You would think this is exhausting and sleep must come easily. Not so I have noticed, though the ever changing world around me is scary, but fun.

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