Sunday, April 6, 2014


It begins with my basketball brackets crashing, exactly one second before victory. I had Wisconsin for the win, Had the three pointer dropped, I'd have won the bracket I bet in. It was a fair amount, so I saluted it, as it died. Great game though.
Then an advert. It began with
"My son Roman."
"Roman?  That kids school life is going to be shit, and its your fault!"
Advert continues. "Who needed a new heart, at the age of only two."
Hang on. He's got a dodgy ticker, and you called him Roman? Double whammy of shite.
"Give us some money." Advert ends.
Adverts for drugs they just made up. Get fucked.
Listening to Radio 6. The Beach Boys. 3:18 am. Sleep busted.

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