Tuesday, April 8, 2014

3am Paternal.

I was asleep. I'd gone to bed early, as today is infusion day. Its the day, every month where I have a dangerous but highly effective drug, wired into my blood stream.The difference this drug has made is spectacular. I started taking it as my options were do it, or spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair. Hmm, I'll take the risk. I started doing it 2 years ago, and my walking has been building back up to, well, not normal, but certainly doable. I've got a fitbit thingy, and walk 2 miles plus a day.
Hooray for me. Why am I up?  A squeaking dog who needed to go out. She bleated at me until I arose. She's now crashed in the kitchen, as if nothing happened.  I have a breakfast with Lusher at 9:30 am. I'm now peppy and ready. Bugger. Coffee.

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