Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Grumble Wake.

I'm up. Crap, its only 2:40 or so. why am I up? A bizarre dream that woke me up with one of those "really?" moments. Puttered about a bit, put the Sean Keaveny show on Radio 6, and am now deciding when to put the coffee on. Soon I think.
Last night watched one of those dancing with the stars sorts bleat on about how she just wanted to do her best and keep everyone happy. The comic in me came to the worst conclusion.
She represents the sort of "come on everyone, be happy, its for the greater good!" that you avoid like the plague during wartime. They are the first to chuck thinkers under the invading forces bus, then stand around sniffing into a tissue with a sad face, whilst the ink on your death warrant dries.
Coffee right?

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