Thursday, June 16, 2011

Cabrini Green

I first came to America 29 years ago. I was staying on the south side of Chicago. The first day, the Bulls one the 3-peat, and the Grateful dead played Soldier's Field. Gun fire and dope clouds ahoy! I thought it was really cool. My mum wasn't so convinced when I phoned her, with the rat=a=tat of Bull's fans joy, painting the sky in the background.
I went for a wander, following the cool graffiti. I ended up in Cabrini Green. Not the Cabrini of now, which is nice, but the one they made that documentary about, Candyman.
Two huge black guys walked up. Whatever they were going to do, they changed their mind when I said, "Top grafitti man, all that crossing out, do a lot of people move?"
They took a step back, and said. "Where the fuck you from man?"
PYou cannot be in here, ever...."
"Sorry about that."
"Ok, just come with us."
They then walked me out, and with a cheery, "You are a lucky motherfucker," left me near Michiigan Avenue. Apparently it was them, or the trunk of a car.
I love Chicago, but be sure to check your corners.

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