Sunday, March 30, 2014


Tonight, like last night, is not sleep filled. The return of the King is plodding its way to Frodo's victory on the telly. I still have trouble with the dire crappy, clappy, meaningful looky, bed bouncing bit, but its a really good film. I watched Wisconsin v Arizona earlier on. Superb game, made even better by the fact that I bet Wisconsin to win the title.
I then spent the past few hours watching music documentaries online. I watched the Captain Beefheart documentary, which wetted my appetite for the Syd Barrett documentary i found. I'm currently listening to a Joy Division concert in Amsterdam 1980. Its on the blog, as I discovered I could post stuff from youtube. Late, but you will get to see the gigs I find, that I really like.
Too early for coffee? Well its way too late for the snow over the cars out the front, yet its there.
 The house got freaky a couple of hours ago when I heard noises. Under the floor, in the walls, in the rooms upstairs? I couldn't tell. I grabbed a cane and walked the house, ready to, I teach whatever it was how to walk….?  Didn't find anything, and the noise stopped. Coffee.
Actually, no coffee and some much needed sleep. Win.

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