Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Sea Change.

One of the things I accepted as a fact is that MS meant I would never be able to run, that walking in public would always be a foot drop from a fall, that I'm better off leaving forward locomotion alone. This turns out to be bollocks, its a case of figuring out how to do it.
 Last week Beth ordered us fit bit thingies. You watch your calories, and keep a watch on the steps you take everyday. It didn't take me long to work out that I could cover the steps inside my house, with no fear of falling. I've worked out that i can kind of approach a sort of running, something I never thought I'd see again. From a sedentary start, I'm now walking/running 3 miles a day, something i never thought i'd be doing. Turns out exercising like this is good for the mind, as my thinking is a lot clearer. I hesitated to write this down as I don't want to come off as over excited, burn out, and never do it again. After 5 days I realize the massive difference the inside walking/jogging /running has made. My legs feel stronger and I am more confident about leaving the house and walking around. It doesn't mean that the MS isn't causing me trouble, it does mean that I'm building a better set of tools to deal with it. 22 years in, I'm still figuring this out. What I do know is not to give in, though I have given that a go. When you accept what you are given and stop, thats it. You are where you are going to get to. I've never really known where I'm supposed to be, and whittle away when I can.

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