Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Our journey from illinois to Ohio took a long time yesterday. After a few stops and starts, we found ourselves in a massive traffic jam, going nowhere fast, crawling through Indiana. We were trapped between 18 wheelers for about an hour. I did not have a CB, and Smokey was not involved.
There were warnings for roadworks, so we thought there must be a lot of work up ahead. We inched forward. We were  in the American version Godard's Le Weekend. Bugger. Forward again.
Eventually we came upon flashing police lights. To the right, a long way off the road, in the brush, was a truck on its roof. Not road works, a massive accident. There was no ambulance, so hopefully the driver got out ok.
On we went, past Mechanicsburg. There is a Teutopolis in Illinois, I know who I'd pick in a robot fight.  The plucky mini robots of Mechanisburg? Or the behemoth from the stars that is Lord Teutopolis! I think illinois shades it,...

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