Sunday, December 13, 2009

Day getting weirder

Current mood:  hopeful
Category: Life
Having come home from Dirty Franks (hot dog place, excellent) at 2am Sunday morning, I then got up to start writing with my mate Rhonda at 7am. She was coming from her night job, so it was the end of her day. With this in mind, we went into our writing day slugging down Bloody Marys. This works really well for hours, until reality tramps its muddy boots of physicality across the vibe intoning "You can't force the fun." Fortunately before it waded in we wrote and recorded a track that will go up in the week
 Beth and I went out to get a chinese. As we drove there we went past a fire engine and a police car  which were surrounding the scene of a crash with a body laid out on the pavement. This is actually the second time I have seen a scene like this, the first time was when I got a lift off of John Hegley going through NE london about 20 years ago. He was teaching at Jacksons Lane. Turned out he went the school  opposite the one I went to in Luton.
So, I am getting old. 20 years!!! I also hope I was wrong this evening and the guy on the pavement was knocked out not dead.

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