Saturday, December 19, 2009

Clean the bathroom!

Current mood:getonwithit
We are having a brunch today. I know i have to polish up the bathroom right nice. Its 2:43a m so I know I have to do it now. I blame the films Hatchet and The terminator for delaying my work. That, and watching the snow and playing with my dog and hating cleaning the bathroom. i always over bleach and end up in a head fog thinking I'm at the swimming pool, wondering where my veruca sock is.
You don't  see veruca socks nowadays. Did we cure verucas when I wasn't looking? Veruca, what a great word. Icky, gross and somehow less agressive than foot wart. Veruca isn't in my dictionary. Either it is gone, or Americans do call it foot wart, or skin foot degrade or some such shit.
Clean the bathroom!

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